[Noun/Subject A] 比 [Noun/Subject B] [Adjective] 得多/得少的 [Noun] 比原版書便宜很多的盜版書 比高級手錶差很多的假手錶 比品牌服裝便宜很多的仿冒品 比他跑得快的選手
so really the statement is about the Noun at the end of the sentence.
小五郎不顧質量,總是追求價格低的商品。 Regardless of the quality, xiao wu lang always goes for the cheaper product.
有的人甚至完全不顧自身的經濟能力只求穿戴名牌或使用名牌 some people, in spite of their economic ablity, just want to wear or use brand name products.